
Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, New Revolution

I said that I was going to write my resolutions and directions today, and I will.  I'm not great on the keeping the resolution thing but I think that making them is important - keeping yourself on track and all that.  Last year, my big resolution here was to make 6 recipes per month from the year 2005's issues of Everyday Food.  While I didn't make it, I did make a pile of new things that were yummy.  I have more years of EDF that are wildly under used.  Likewise, there are a couple of things that I'd like to do for me that fall into the food vein, and one things that has a lot to do with my house, but little to do with food.
To that end, I present this year's resolutions:
  1. 6 Recipes per issue of Everyday Food from 2006.  I've already marked the recipes from Jan/Feb.  Beyond that with the blog, I'd like to post new content Monday, Wednesday and Friday plus weekend planning.  I also intend to continue with Pintertest Kitchen.
  2. Stop drinking pop.  2 years ago, I started down this road.  I lost weight.  Fast.  It was shocking.  Then I backslid and started again.  Maybe it was the bubbles, maybe it was my genuine love of gingerale, but I started drinking it again.  Pop is liquid candy.  I need to stop.
  3. Eat breakfast.  I don't do this daily, usually because I stay in bed too long.  But with a job that doesn't allow me to eat regularly, I need a better start to the day.  I've been looking at baked oatmeal.  We'll see what happens.
  4. Finally, I've signed up to do 365 Spring Cleaning.  I'm sucky about cleaning and thankfully have a spouse who can't see the dust as well as I can.  I'm hoping to at least do some of my scary clutter areas in a way that makes sense.  The first project:  Organizing my office by January 31.  
I think that's enough.  Hopefully writing things down will help them come to fruition.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like some good goals! I feel like writing these things does help, but I wish they didn't fall so completely out of my mind when I was done. ;)
